Dr. Davis's Psychotherapy Treatment Philosophy
My approach to psychotherapy is primarily Cognitive Behavioral in nature and as strongly influenced by the principles of the Transdiagnostic Model of Emotional Disorders, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and by Buddhist Psychology. While I am not a "card carrying" Buddhist, I embrace many tenets of Buddhism and believe that Buddhist Psychology has much to offer anyone who is attempting to come to terms with the inherent and inevitable dissatisfaction that pervade daily life. I agree with the growing consensus in the clinical and scientific communities that there are a few "transdiagnostic" processes which underlie many different psychological and physical disturbances and disorders. These "transdiagnostic" processes include hypersensitivity of the neurological and endocrine systems in the human body which regulate the human stress response, thinking patterns which create emotional distress and which cause unnecessary activation of the stress response, habitual patterns of emotional reactivity which are unpleasant and which contribute to interpersonal difficulties, interpersonal interaction patterns which perpetuate difficult and unpleasant interactions with others, and neuroplastic changes in the brain and the rest of the nervous system which make it difficult change our thinking, emotional reactivity, and behavioral action patterns. Of course, all of these factors interact with and influence each other. The principles of ACT and other approaches to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be very helpful in changing problematic thinking while Buddhist principles and practices can be very helpful in cultivating lower levels of nervous/endocrine system arousal and also can be very helpful in cultivating healthier, more satisfying habits of emotional and interpersonal reactivity. Intentional cultivation of these kinds of skills and practices eventually results in the kind of self-directed and healthy neuroplastic change in the brain which makes it easier and easier to participate in life in a manner that is more satisfying, productive, and meaningful.
My preference is to work within a relatively short-term treatment model which is clearly focused on agreed upon treatment goals and objectives. If you choose to work with me we will identify your goals for treatment during the first couple of sessions and we will then pursue an approach to treatment that is designed to help you achieve your goals and objectives, most likely embracing the principles described above. If we work together you should expect that I will encourage you to pursue a variety of "Action Plans" between sessions which may include researching relevant topics on the internet, reading self-help books, practicing relaxation or meditation techniques, and so on.